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Enterprise News
Houng Fuh Group and Vanderlande reach strategic cooperation
Houng Fuh Group and Vanderlande reach strategic cooperation 2022-08-29
Vanderlande & Houng Fuh strategic cooperation signing ceremony was held at Hechuan plant Houng Fuh Group. Vanderlande Director of Operation Support Mr. Zhu Dehua, R&D Director Mr. Ma Haibao, Houng Fuh Vice President Mr. Liu Yongcheng, Deputy General Manager Mr. Wang Yukao attended the meeting, which indicated the further comprehensive cooperation between Vanderlande and Houng Fuh in intelligent logistics field.
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Houng Fuh participated in the 11th India Warehousing Show to expand overseas market
Houng Fuh participated in the 11th India Warehousing Show to expand overseas market 2022-08-23
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Talent drives development -Houng Fuh group held the launching ceremony of practical TQM human resource management project
Talent drives development -Houng Fuh group held the launching ceremony of practical TQM human resource management project 2022-05-30
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How to ensure logistics under Babemax’s “brand+omni-channel”strategy
How to ensure logistics under Babemax’s “brand+omni-channel”strategy 2022-05-18
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Tide over the crisis |Efficient!Orderly!Houng Fuh contributes its strength to overcome the COVID.
Tide over the crisis |Efficient!Orderly!Houng Fuh contributes its strength to overcome the COVID. 2022-04-27
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